
RE: if you really knew me than you would know that..........

this is cool

-I have never been bored
-I hate lying
-I am very honest
- I have been described as "cryptic", "political", "complex"
- knowing the real power of God is the only thing that has brought me to my knees and I respect so far in life. (its not just a polite relationship)
-I am always thinking about something or working on something
-I know the value of giving
-I know the meaning of life
-I am interested in the best not the immediate
-life has been __uuhhhhh_____ (there are no words to explain it)
-In high school, I named all 3 of my turtles Bette Midler.
-I am tired
-Oregon is a beautiful place , Oregon people make me laugh
-I will always try to figure out how something works or is put together
-for the most part, my favorites change often
-I am drawn to honesty
-I just started drinking coffee regularly
-dental hygiene is important to me
-I have learned that real strength is not physical
-to me it makes more sense to make something than find it.
-I get complicated or really simple, there isn't much of a middle ground from me
-I like pizza, taco's, italian food, crab, fruit, Mint, basil and my newest hobby is making chocolate (cacao style)
-churchy/pious attitudes irritate me,
-I have no recorded accomplishments but I know that God is real and that is the best foundation to have
-I'm relieved my name eric is spelled with a 'C'.
-I have alot to be angry about but I know there are better ways to deal
-I miss alot of people but I try not to think about it.
-I fully agree with Reds quote "get busy living or get busy dying"
-i should have changed my car a while ago but i am very attached to it
-i often forget things when i dont see them or when i sleep
-i dont know when to quit
-i am a neat freak at heart
-some day I want to make a hydro turbine and a water pump
-I go for natural food but I always have a box of mac-n-cheese & oreos around
-thankfully I have never broken a bone, or been in a car accident
-I love manual transmissions
-I have a dishwasher but still hand wash the dishes
-I think that labels, image and style are used to hide behind
-I think trends are just weird

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